How to book

Before continuing please ensure you have the following:

  1. A digital photo of your child.
  2. Your credit / debit card.

Please select your desired week from the list below then complete the form ensuring that all the required fields are completed.

Week Number Start Date End Date Status Price Deposit
1 26/07/2025 02/08/2025 Sold Out £330.00 £75.00
2 02/08/2025 09/08/2025 Full: 3 reserve places left £330.00 £75.00
3 09/08/2025 16/08/2025 Full: 4 reserve places left £330.00 £75.00
4 16/08/2025 23/08/2025 11 places left £330.00 £75.00

Discount / Bursary

If you have been given a discount code then please enter it here.


Parent / Guardian


The adventurer must be aged at least 12 and a maximum of 17 on the 1st September in the year of the holiday.

This is the name that will be used on group lists, room lists etc.

This MUST be a valid png or jpg file

You must read and agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding.
Once you have read the terms please tick the box below and proceed with your booking.
You can download the terms and conditions here

You must read and agree to the privacy policy before proceeding.
Once you have read the policy please tick the box below and proceed with your booking.
You can download the policy here

CAH would like to occasionally be in touch with you to provide updates and reminders e.g a kit list (and we really do mean occasionally!). We use Mail Chimp to send and manage these communications and by clicking the box below you acknowledge that your contact email only will be shared with them in accordance with their private policy.

During each week of camp there are some amazing opportunities to capture the fun that is had, and from time to time we would love to use these on our website or share with parents/guardians of other adventurers. By ticking the box below I give permission for photographs of my child to be used on the CAH website and/or shared with other parents/guardians.